Newborn Care: This class covers all the basics of newborn care (with all the tips and tricks that make it feel easier): diapering, bathing, soothing, swaddling, and basic babywearing so you can take care of yourself too!
Breastfeeding Basics: This class is a perfect complement to Newborn Care because it rounds out everything else you need to know about taking care of your baby such as feeding cues, what their diaper output should look like, and how often they need to eat. It's an information heavy class that will help set you up for success by making sure you understand how the human body works in regard to milk supply, getting a good latch, and what normal looks like (as well as where to turn to for support if things aren't working the way they should).
Breastfeeding Beyond Basics: This class is geared towards successfully navigating the challenges of nursing an older baby. Topics include: maintaining a good milk supply while introducing solids, nursing manners and establishing healthy boundaries, nursing in pregnancy/tandem feeding, and weaning.
Teachable: Classes available online for self-paced learning and/or unconventional schedules.